We Provide Our Best Cleaning Services For You

Rated A Five Star Cleaning Company


What We Offer Services​

House Cleaning Services
Move-In Move-Out Cleaning
Post-Construction Cleaning
Vacation Turnover Cleaning ​
We will strive to make you happy by offering a consistent and reliable maid service . We will use sustainable operations to run our business and deliver the most amazing cleaning experience from day one.
To be the leading provider of residential cleaning services, by creating a positive impact on the QUALITY OF LIFE of our customers by providing the highest level of quality, consistency and satisfaction in home cleaning service
To build long-term relationships with our clients by understanding their needs and providing for those needs with the highest level of integrity and professionalism in the industry. Our goal is to provide the most qualified, experienced and reliable house cleaners and outstanding level of care, dependability and attention to detail to cleaning our clients home and belongings.


I am a passionate helping people to get their houses cleaned and ready for enjoyment and relaxation.
Every time my home was sparkling clean, a sense of relief and calm washed over me, and I want to bring that feeling to every home we clean. Being able to add true value to my customers’ lives is the main driver behind me opening Lilac Cleaning

The Best

Cleaning Service

Core values

Integrity, honesty & trust
We do what is right even when no one is watching. Uncompromising integrity and honesty are the foundation of our company and the basis of all our client relationships. We are in people’s homes and we respect, honor and protect our client’s personal belongings, privacy and confidentiality.
Excellence and Professionalism
We show up on time. We do what we say we will do. We work hard and complete our job fully and to the best of our ability every time. We don’t cut corners or skip work.
A Grateful & Positive Attitude Each Day
We are honored to be able to make your life better. We are always looking for new ways to make you smile!

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Client Testimonials


Inviting people into your home is an act of trust and inviting others to care for your home is an act of great trust. We absolutely understand that and only hire people who we’d trust with our homes so that you can trust them in your homes. We want to be your go-to cleaning service. Our staff is well-trained, professional and experienced and our company is licensed and insured.
